DOI: 10.1177/1358863x19838327
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Outcomes with cilostazol after endovascular therapy of peripheral artery disease

Abstract: The role of cilostazol after endovascular therapy (EVT) of peripheral artery disease (PAD) remains unclear. We conducted a meta-analysis for all studies reporting the outcomes of cilostazol after EVT of PAD from January 2000 through November 2018 with the outcomes of interest including primary patency, major adverse limb events (MALE), target lesion revascularization (TLR), and major amputation. We included eight studies (three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and five observational studies) with a total of… Show more

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Cited by 23 publications
(14 citation statements)
References 56 publications
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“… 19 A systematic review found that cilostazol effectively reduces diabetes-associated microvascular damage, 20 whereas a meta-analysis found that it effectively decreases amputation risk and helps in maintaining patency in cases of arterial lesions of the lower limbs following an interventional surgery. 21 We find it ethically difficult to clinically investigate the vascular endothelial repair effects of each antiplatelet drug. We eagerly await further reports on the drug’s benefits and applications.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“… 19 A systematic review found that cilostazol effectively reduces diabetes-associated microvascular damage, 20 whereas a meta-analysis found that it effectively decreases amputation risk and helps in maintaining patency in cases of arterial lesions of the lower limbs following an interventional surgery. 21 We find it ethically difficult to clinically investigate the vascular endothelial repair effects of each antiplatelet drug. We eagerly await further reports on the drug’s benefits and applications.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In patients with PAD with intermittent claudication, cilostazol increases maximal and pain-free walking distance 9,10) . Cilostazol also prevents restenosis and re-occlusion and reduces the risk of major amputation after patients with PAD have received endovascular procedures [11][12][13] . The prevention of target lesion restenosis and re-occlusion by cilostazol can still be found in patients with hemodialysis (HD) with PAD after the endovascular procedure 14,15) .…”
Section: Study Design and Participantsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In a previous study of patients with chronic HD with CLI, no significant differences were found in clinical outcomes, such as overall survival, major amputation, and major adverse limb events, between surgical bypass and endovascular therapy 35) . Despite this, endovascular therapy may be a better option for patients with HD than surgical bypass because perioperative revascularization in patients with PAD after peripheral endovascular interventions, the mortality associated with cilostazol use in the general population as part of antiplatelet regimens remains unclear 13) . In the current study, the continuous use of cilostazol did not result in the better survival outcomes in patients with chronic HD with prevalent PAD than those without continuous use of cilostazol.…”
Section: Advance Publication Journal Atherosclerosis and Thrombosismentioning
confidence: 99%
“…A cilosztazol hatékonyságát és biztonságosságát egy metaanalízis is megerősítette. Ebben 2000 és 2018 között végzett 8 endovascularis intervenciós vizsgálat (3 randomizált, kontrollált vizsgálat, 5 megfigyeléses vizsgálat) eredményeit áttekintve azt találták, hogy cilosztazolkezelés mellett magasabb volt a nyitvamaradási ráta, csökkent mind a reintervenciók, mind a major amputációk aránya [56]. 2013 és 2017 között Tajvanon kritikus végtagi ischaemia miatt sikeres endovascularis intervención átesett, 172 diabeteses beteg a beavatkozás ÖSSZEFOGLALÓ KÖZLEMÉNY után sztentbeültetés esetén kettős, ballonangioplastica után egyes TAG mellé cilosztazolkezelést kapott három hónapig vagy hosszú távon.…”
Section: A Thrombocytaaggregáció-gátló Monoterápia éS a Cilosztazolke...unclassified