Pseudomonas syringae, Pyoverdin, SiderophoreFrom seven different pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae representing various genetic sub groups, and one strain of Pseudomonas viridiflava the same pyoverdin siderophore (1) was isolated, probably identical with the pyoverdin whose amino acid composition (but not their sequence) had been reported before. 1 is the first pyoverdin where two of the ligands for Fe are ß-hydroxy Asp units. Its remarkably high complexing constant for Fe3+ at pH 5 as compared with other pyoverdins offers a definite advantage in plant infection. The structure elucidation of 1 will be described and the taxonomical implications regarding pyoverdins with different structures ascribed previously to P. syringae strains will be discussed. § Part CV of the series "Bacterial constituents". For part C IV see Hohlneicher et al. (2001).
Abbreviations:Common amino acids, 3-letter code; aThr, alloThr; OHAsp, ^-hydroxy-Asp; AcOHOrn, N5 -acetyl-N5 -hydroxy-Orn; cO H O m , cyc/o-N5 -hydroxy-Orn (3-amino-1-hydroxy-piperidone-2); TAP, N/O-trifluoroacetyl (amino acid) isopropyl ester; Chr, pyoverdin chromophore; Sue, succinic acid side chain; Suca, succinamide side chain; E SI, electrospray ionization; FAB, fast atom bombardment; CA, collision activation; u, mass units based on the 12C scale; COSY, correlated spectroscopy; D EPT, distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer; HMBC, heteronuclear multiple bond correlation; HMQC, heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence; N O E, nuclear Overhauser effect; R O E SY , rotating frame nuclear Overhauser and exchange