DOI: 10.1086/519759
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Outflows and the Physical Properties of Quasars

Abstract: We have investigated a sample of 5088 quasars from the SDSS DR2 in order to determine how the frequency and properties of BALs depend on black hole mass, bolometric luminosity, Eddington fraction (L/L Edd ), and spectral slope. We focus only on high-ionization BALs and find a number of significant results. While quasars accreting near the Eddington limit are more likely to show BALs than lower L/L Edd systems, BALs are present in quasars accreting at only a few percent Eddington. We find a stronger effect with… Show more

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Cited by 129 publications
(190 citation statements)
References 67 publications
(141 reference statements)
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“…When the line of sight passes through outflows, we detect a BAL QSO, otherwise we see a non-BAL QSO. The covering factor of outflows increases with accretion rate and maybe also with the black hole mass (Ganguly et al 2007). One argument for this is the remarkable similarity in the properties of emission lines and UV to optical continuum for BAL and non-BAL QSOs.…”
Section: Analogy To Bal Quasarsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…When the line of sight passes through outflows, we detect a BAL QSO, otherwise we see a non-BAL QSO. The covering factor of outflows increases with accretion rate and maybe also with the black hole mass (Ganguly et al 2007). One argument for this is the remarkable similarity in the properties of emission lines and UV to optical continuum for BAL and non-BAL QSOs.…”
Section: Analogy To Bal Quasarsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Laor & Brandt 2002;Ganguly et al 2007;Baskin & Laor 2013;Filiz Ak et al 2013;He et al 2014). There are two fundamental parameters related to the accretion process, the SMBH mass (MBH ) and the Eddington ratio (L bol /L Edd ).…”
Section: The Relation Of ∆Ew With the Centralmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Studies on the two different features reveal quite similar dependencies of outflow properties on some fundamental quantities. BAL quasars with larger outflow velocity tend to have higher Eddington ratio and weaker intrinsic X-ray relative to UV (Ganguly et al 2007;Fan et al 2009). The fraction of BAL quasars also increases with Eddington ratio (Ganguly et al 2007;Zhang et al 2010).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…BAL quasars with larger outflow velocity tend to have higher Eddington ratio and weaker intrinsic X-ray relative to UV (Ganguly et al 2007;Fan et al 2009). The fraction of BAL quasars also increases with Eddington ratio (Ganguly et al 2007;Zhang et al 2010). The blueshift of C iv BELs is more strongly correlated with the Eddington ratio than the BAL properties (Wang et al 2011, hereafter Wang11) and also depend on the shape of the ionizing continuum (Leighly & Moore 2004;Richards et al 2011).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%