One of the developments in recognition of soil properties and different soils is from morphological to analytical. With an incorporation of analytical data, transitional soils can be systematically named using a key-out order as well as typical soils. Our major objective was to evaluate soils with multiple forming processes such as andosolization, podzolization, etc., using soil analytical data, selecting a small area having different soil names based on soil morphological properties. According to a local soil map, Ando soils, Brown forest soils (Dark) and Wet and Dry podzols soils are adjacently distributed around Lake Kuwanuma on the eastern footslope of Mt. Funagata in Miyagi prefecture, northeastern Japan. We studied the morphological, chemical and mineralogical properties of these soils and classified them according to the recent Comprehensive Soil Classification System of Japan (CSCSJ), United States Department of Agriculture Soil Taxonomy (ST) and the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB). The elevation of Lake Kuwanuma is 780 m above sea level and a plateau is located next to a steep slope on the western side of the lake. Three pedons were sampled from the northern side of Lake Kuwanuma, and 3 additional pedons were sampled from the plateau. The average difference in elevation between these two groups of pedons was 229 m. All 6 pedons were classified as Andosols in CSCSJ, Udands in ST and Andosols in WRB. Thus, andosolization was the dominant soil-forming process throughout the study area. The major modification of Andisols in the study area was caused by forest vegetation. Of the 6 pedons sampled, three were classified as Fulvudands in ST and had the Fulvic prefix qualifier in WRB. Furthermore, weak podzolization was suggested on the basis of soil profile observations. One pedon on the plateau had a Bs horizon, which satisfied the spodic horizon requirements of ST. Thus, weak podzolization, especially on the plateau, was another accessory characteristic in the present study area. The nearby distribution of Podzols soils and Ando soils in the local soil map may be explained by differences in temperature, leaching intensity and other factors. A podzolic subgroup of Andosols/Udands was desired to express the properties of pedons on the plateau in the lower categories of the recent soil classification systems.