Highlights• We analyze the predictability of stock return and its volatility of Hong Kong, Malaysia and South Korea • We base on the measure of domestic and global economic policy uncertainties (EPU) • Linear Granger causality tests fail to find evidence of predictability from EPU • A nonparametric causality-in-quantiles test, however, finds strong evidence of causality • Nonparametric test is found to be more robust relative to the standard linear causality test.
AbstractThis paper analyzes whether we can predict stock return and its volatility of Hong Kong, Malaysia and South Korea based on measures of domestic and global (China, the European Area, Japan, and the US) economic policy uncertainties (EPU). While, linear Granger causality tests fail to find evidence of predictability, barring the case of South Korean EPU predicting its own stock returns, when we use a nonparametric causality-in-quantiles test, strong evidence of causality is detected from the EPUs for stock return volatility of Malaysia, and both returns and volatility at certain parts of the conditional distributions for South Korea. There is no evidence of predictability from domestic and global EPUs for return and volatility of the Hong Kong stock market. Given the statistical evidence of nonlinearity in our data set, we consider the results from the nonparametric test as more robust relative to the standard linear causality test. * We would like to thank anonymous referees for many helpful comments. However, any remaining errors are solely ours.