We have calculated the non-equilibrium quasiparticle and phonon distributions f (E), n(Ω), where E and Ω are the quasiparticle and phonon energies respectively, generated by the photons of the probe signal of a low temperature superconducting resonator SR operating well-below its transition temperature Tc as the absorbed probe power per unit volume P abs was changed. The calculations give insight into a rate equation estimate which suggests that the quasiparticle distributions can be driven far from the thermal equilibrium value for typical readout powers. From f (E) the driven quasiparticle number density Nqp and lifetime τr were calculated. Using Nqp we defined an effective temperature T * N to describe the driven f (E). The lifetime was compared to the distribution averaged thermal lifetime at T * N and good agreement was found typically within a few percent. We used f (E) to model a representative SR. The complex conductivity and hence the frequency dependence of the experimentally measured forward scattering parameter S21 of the SR as a function of P abs were found. The non-equilibrium S21 cannot be accurately modeled by a thermal distribution at an elevated temperature T * 21 having a higher quality-factor in all cases studied and for low P abs T * 21 ∼ T * N . Using τr and Nqp we determined the achievable Noise Equivalent Power of the resonator used as a detector as a function of P abs . Simpler expressions for T * N as a function of P abs were derived which give a very good account of T * N and also Nqp and τr. We conclude that multiple photon absorption from the probe increases the quasiparticle number above the thermal background and ultimately limits the achievable NEP of the resonator.