The decidability of equivalence for three important classes of tree transducers is discussed. Each class can be obtained as a natural restriction of deterministic macro tree transducers (mtts): (1) no context parameters, i.e., top-down tree transducers, (2) linear size increase, i.e., mso definable tree transducers, and (3) monadic input and output ranked alphabets. For the full class of mtts, decidability of equivalence remains a longstanding open problem.Keywords: Equivalence; tree transducer.The macro tree transducer (mtt) was invented independently by Engelfriet [26,37] and Courcelle [18,17] (see also [46]). As a model of syntax-directed translations, mtts generalize the attribute grammars of Knuth [56]. Note that one (annoying) issue of attribute grammars (and attributed tree transducers [45]) is that they can be circular, and that testing for circularity is expensive (it is exptimecomplete [54]). In contrast, mtts always terminate.There are two ways in which macro tree transducers can be seen as a combination of context-free tree grammars, invented by Rounds [71] and also known as "macro tree grammars" [42], and the top-down tree transducer of Rounds and Thatcher [72,81]. (1) In terms of the context-free tree grammar, the derivation of the grammar is (top-down) controlled by a given input tree (see [27] for the idea of grammars controlled by input storage). (2) In terms of a top-down tree transducer, the state calls of the transducer can appear in a nested way (similar to the nesting of nonterminals in the productions of context-free tree grammars). Top-down tree transducers generalize to trees the finite state (string) transducers (also known as "generalized sequential machines", or gsms, see [47,9]).In terms of formal languages, compositions of mtts give rise to a large hierarchy of string languages containing, e.g., the io and oi hierarchies of Damm [23] (at level one they include the indexed languages of Aho [1]), see also [29]. The latter hierarchies can be obtained by restricting higher-order recursive program schemes Macro tree transducers can be applied in many scenarios, recently for instance, to type-check xml transformations (they can simulate the k-pebble transducers of Milo, Suciu, and Vianu [64]), see [30,61,62], or to efficiently implement streaming XQuery transformations [51,65]. In terms of functional programs, mtts are particularly simple programs that use primitive recursion over an input tree to produce output trees by top-concatenation. Applications in programming languages include for instance [82,83,65,7].Let us now focus our attention on the equivalence problem for tree transducers. For nondeterministic transducers, Griffiths [49] shows that equivalence is undecidable already for very restricted string transducers. Therefore we only consider deterministic transducers. What is known about the equivalence problem for deterministic macro tree transducers? Unfortunately not much in the general case. Only a few subcases are known to be decidable. This survey discusses three of them:(1)...