Objective: HIV infection in Indonesia are mostly found in high-risk groups or key populations, who engage in behaviors such as multiple partners and needle-sharing. Indonesia Basic Health Research (2018) showed that only 4% Indonesian had a good HIV- knowledge[1]. A good understanding of HIV among high-risk group was not associated with their positive behaviour. This is showed from an Asian Epidemic Model (AEM) retrieved by Ministry of Health (2020), it is predicted that HIV-related deaths tend to increase.
Method: This study using both quatitative and qualitative approach with exploratory design. A qualitative study applied to develop a peer support model with a focus on improving HIV literacy among high-risk group. A review of various documents which included guidelines, field officer handbooks and educational technical guidelines that were issued by the Ministry of Health and NGOs was performed to formulate the curriculum of the module. This process involved representatives of key populations and health workers in Makassar consists of 12 outreach workers and 11 people who work in HIV programs. As a part of our assessment, we also measuring health literacy related HIV prevention to 31 respondent from high risk group. This stage was also a validity and reability test of our questionnaire.
Results: The module then received input from an expert consisting of a health communication practitioner, psychologist and public health specialist. There are several adjustments for the questionnaire. Some word may not be understood by their client, so we have to give an example such as describing a situation so it would be easier for them to understand. A total of 31 respondents from the key population filled in the google drive link that was distributed by the outreach worker. Most of them were 18-25 years old, highly educated and employed. Literacy assessment showed that most respondents found it difficult or very difficult to find emergency facilities and cope with work stress. While those that were considered quite easy and easy were aspects related to VCT, risky sex behaviour and ARV therapy.
Conclusion: Each community has its own characteristics related to their knowledge and skills in preventing HIV transmission. Counseling activities for those who are employed need more time and effort, in such a way that they can achieve a better literacy level regarding HIV-AIDS prevention.