This study evaluated the pregnancy rate in Nelore cows (Bos indicus) that were subjected to fixedtime artificial insemination (FTAI) using different protocols consisting of injectable progesterone (P4) or an intravaginal device (impregnated with P4). Multiparous cows 72-84 months in age, 30-45 days postpartum, were selected on the basis of the absence of a corpus luteum (CL) and follicles <8 mm after transrectal palpation and ultrasound examinations. On a random day of the estrus cycle (D0), the selected animals (n = 135) were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups (n = 45 each). Group I (injectable P4/FTAI 36 hours) received 250 mg of injectable P4 and 2 mg EB on D0; on D7, they received 500 µg of cloprostenol; on D8, 300 IU of eCG and 1 mg of EB were administered; and finally, FTAI was performed 36 hours after the application of EB. Group II (injectable P4/FTAI 48 hours) received the same protocol as Group I, except that the FTAI was performed 48 hours after ovulation induction. The animals of Group III (Control/CIDR) received a conventional protocol for FTAI using an intravaginal device (D0: P4 and 2 mg EB; D8: device removal, 500 µg cloprostenol, 300 IU eCG, 1 mg EB; and FTAI performed 48 hours after removal of the device). The results showed that cows synchronized with the conventional protocol for FTAI (Control/CIDR) had a higher pregnancy rate (60 %, 27/45) than those synchronized with an injectable P4/FTAI 36 hours (33.33 %; 15/45, P = 0.010). However, the group receiving injectable P4 group/FTAI 48 hours had a similar pregnancy rate (48.9 %; 22/45; P = 0.290) when compared to both the group receiving the conventional protocol and that receiving injectable P4/FTAI 36 hours (P = 0.134). Although the injectable P4 may affect pregnancy rate with the FTAI performed in 36 hours, we found similar pregnancy rates from cows inseminated 48 hours after induction ovulation, considering injectable or intravaginal P4. Therefore, we suggest that injectable P4 represents an alternative source of progesterone for synchronization of cattle for FTAI. Key words: FTAI. Nelore. Injectable progesterone. Pregnancy rate.
ResumoEste estudo avaliou a taxa de prenhez de vacas Nelore (Bos indicus) submetidas a diferentes protocolos de IATF a base de progesterona (P4) injetável ou dispositivo intravaginal impregnado com P4. Vacas multíparas entre 72 e 84 meses de idade, com 30 a 45 dias pós-parto foram previamente selecionadas com base na ausência de corpo lúteo (CL) e folículos < 8 mm após palpação e exame ultrassonográfico transretal. Em um dia aleatório do ciclo estral (D0), os animais selecionados (N = 135) foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em um dos três grupos experimentais (n = 45 / grupo). O grupo I (P4 injetável/IATF 36 horas) recebeu 250 mg de P4 injetável e 2 mg BE no D0. No D7 aplicou-se 500 µg de Cloprostenol. No D8 300 UI de eCG e 1 mg de BE foram administrados, sendo que a IATF foi realizada 36 horas após a aplicação do BE. O grupo II (P4 injetável/IATF 48 horas) recebeu o mesmo protocolo, excet...