The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy, and morbidity of laparoscopic ovarian transposition on the preservation of hormonal function in patients younger than 45 years operated for early cervical cancer. According to risk factors on pathologic evaluation of the specimen, some of them will receive postoperative pelvic radiotherapy. This subset of patients could benefit from taking the ovaries away from the irradiation field in an effort to preserve their functionality. This prospective study included 28 FIGO stage IB1 cervical cancer patients, 45 years old or younger, maintaining menstrual cycles, who were considered suitable for conservation of the ovaries. The ovarian transposition was performed by laparoscopy as a part of the same celio-Schauta operation. Twelve patients underwent adjuvant pelvic radiotherapy. No intraoperative or postoperative morbidity related to the ovarian transposition was observed, and the procedure only entailed a minimum delay of the operative time. There were no cases of ovarian metastasis. At a mean follow-up of 44 months, 63.6% of patients receiving radiotherapy and 93% of those who nonirradiated maintained normal ovarian function. Two patients developed benign ovarian cysts, requiring oophorectomy, but no other long-term adverse effects of the transposition were identified. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest series of the laparoscopic procedure reported to date in this setting. According to our results, laparoscopic ovarian transposition is a safe and effective procedure for the preservation of ovarian function in young patients with early cervical cancer undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy after surgery.