The application of Model Checking to compute WCET has not been explored as much as Integer Linear Programming (ILP), primarily because model checkers fail to scale for complex programs. These programs have loops with large or unknown bounds, leading to a state space explosion that model checkers cannot handle. To overcome this, we have developed a technique, TIC, that employs slicing, loop acceleration and over-approximation on timeannotated source code, enabling Model Checking to scale better for WCET computation. Further, our approach is parametric, so that the user can make a trade-off between the tightness of WCET estimate and the analysis time.We conducted experiments on the Mälardalen benchmarks to evaluate the effect of various abstractions on the WCET estimate and analysis time. Additionally, we compared our estimates to those made by an ILP-based analyzer and found that ours were tighter for more than 30% of the examples and equal for the rest.