For many people, including the authors of this article, music is one of the most important things and one of the strongest experiences in their lives.[1] It can determine mood, create emotions, [2-6] construct memories [4][5][6][7] and help in their recall, [6,7] remove barriers between people and help them connect, [1] and even modulate the autonomic nervous system, the hormonal system and the immune system. [6] Beyond the shadow of a doubt, classical music, especially opera which is composed not only by singing but also acting, is a particularly important type of music as it is the most connected to human cultural heritage and, according to many, is especially moving. [2,8,9] Opera performance has always been a magical ritual, emphasized not only by the beautiful buildings characterized by incredible architecture that opera always takes place in, and the savoirvivre that tells us to dress in a particularly elegant way while attending opera performances, but also by the special respect and adoration that opera singers have always been honored with. Our clinic has been a widely known consultancy for professional opera singers performing in the Gran Teatro del Liceo in Barcelona and other opera theatres in Europe since 1970. For all of these years we have had the pleasure of sharing many moments of joy with opera singers during their performances, but also many moments of fear and dread when the overuse of voice has caused voice disorders, as there is no doubt that those incredible performances are also superhuman efforts for the voice box, its anatomy as well as physiology. [8] During these years we have noticed a relationship between the type of tessitura that an opera singer is classified to and the prevalence of voice disorders. Therefore we decided to check the presence of this relationship in a cohort study and to make it its objective. A few words regarding voice disorders warrant mentioning to clarify the subject of our concerns while taking medical care of opera singers. Pathologies caused by trauma, previous intubation and surgery, or