DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2016.1142553
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Overaccommodation in a Singapore eldercare facility

Abstract: Numerous studies have shown that some speech accommodation in interactions with the elderly can aid communication. Overaccommodaters, however, employing such features as high pitch, exaggerated prosody, and child-like forms of address, often demean, infantilize, and patronize elderly interlocutors rather than facilitate comprehension. According to the Communicative Predicament of Aging model, communication practices are determined by stereotypes of aging that are triggered in the minds of those interacting wit… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(14 citation statements)
References 36 publications
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“…Another ethnographic study from South Africa proposed that infantilization is a form of posturing that makes intimate care practices acceptable ( Makoni & Grainger, 2002 ). However, in other ethnographic work from Singapore and the United States, elderspeak was viewed as patronizing by older adults ( Cavallaro et al, 2016 ; Salari, 2005 ). Both American and Thai older adults reported lower self-esteem when overaccommodation was used by younger adults, although the relationship was only significant for Americans ( Keaton et al, 2017 ).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 98%
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“…Another ethnographic study from South Africa proposed that infantilization is a form of posturing that makes intimate care practices acceptable ( Makoni & Grainger, 2002 ). However, in other ethnographic work from Singapore and the United States, elderspeak was viewed as patronizing by older adults ( Cavallaro et al, 2016 ; Salari, 2005 ). Both American and Thai older adults reported lower self-esteem when overaccommodation was used by younger adults, although the relationship was only significant for Americans ( Keaton et al, 2017 ).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 98%
“…Prosodic changes have also been identified across cultures within both formal and informal caregiving encounters ( Cavallaro et al, 2016 ; Plejert et al, 2014 ; Sachweh, 1998 ; Samuelsson et al, 2013 ; Small et al, 2009 ). High pitch and exaggerated intonation were found in approximately half of the conversations observed between nurses and residents in German nursing homes ( Sachweh, 1998 ).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Older people need to be encouraged for employment after retirement on either a full-time or part-time basis. They also integrate health and social services along with a reduction in the cost related to healthcare that has also been highlighted by [27] in their study on the Singapore eldercare facility in the context of over accommodation. A similar view was also reflected by [28], focusing on the interdependencies that would flow between the migration of care specialists in the area of costs and the possible issues of social change.…”
Section: Eldercare In Singaporementioning
confidence: 98%