In experiments and kinetic models it was shown that the reaction rate of the biphasic aqueous hydroformylation of 1octene is linear dependent on the created interfacial area. This phenomenon is directly linked to the question whether the reaction takes place in the bulk phase and is mass transfer limitation or at the surface which would mean an increase of reaction space. To evaluate the place of reaction a mass transfer analysis has been carried out. No mass transfer limitation for the gaseous components carbon monoxide and hydrogen as well as the olefin 1-octene was determined for the aqueous catalyst phase by calculating the Hatta numbers. With this observation it is possible to exclude the mass transfer as a potential influence and hence the aqueous bulk as the place of reaction. Thus the reaction is most probably surface active. This can be either explained the increase in film volume fraction where non-polar substrate as well as polar catalyst complex is present or through an increased catalyst concentration at the surface through dipole moment fluctuations.Experimental Materials 1-Hexene (971%), 1-octene (991%), and 1-decene (95%) were purchased from Acros Organics; 1-dodecene was V tot 5 0.001 m 3 , u 5 0.6, c Rh 5 0.5 mol m 23 aq , P/Rh 5 10, precursor 5 [Rh(cod)Cl]2, T 5 353.15 K, pH 5 5.5, p tot 5 8 MPa, p H2 /p CO 5 1, t 5 1.5 h. 5 163 V tot 5 0.001 m 3 , u 5 0.6, c Rh 5 0.5 mol m 23 aq, P/Rh 5 10, precursor 5 [Rh(cod)Cl]2, T 5 353.15 K, pH 5 5.5, p tot 5 8 MPa, p H2 /p CO 5 1, t 5 1.5 h. 5 V tot 5 0.001 m 3 , u 5 0.6, c Rh 5 0.5 mol m 23 aq, P/Rh 5 10, precursor 5 [Rh(cod)Cl]2, T 5 353.15 K, pH 5 5.5, p tot 5 8 MPa, p H2 /p CO 5 1, t 5 1.5 h. 1HX 5 1-hexene, 1OC 5 1-octene, 1DC 5 1-decene.V tot 5 0.001 m 3 , u 5 0.6, c Rh 5 0.5 mol m 23 aq, P/Rh 5 10, precursor 5 [Rh(cod)Cl]2, T 5 353.15 K, pH 5 5.5, p tot 5 8 MPa, p H2 /p CO 5 1, t 5 1.5 h.