“…However, Telegram, through its affordability and flexibility, is such a social media application that makes the world smaller (Aghajani & Adloo, 2018;Aladsani, 2021;Swartz et al, 2022) as it gives students a chance to communicate and interact with other students across geographical barriers. Although e-Learning technologies and mobile learning (m-learning) awareness are ever-increasing (Aladsani, 2021;Dollah et al, 2021;Sevnarayan, 2022;Sevnarayan & Mohale, 2022), lecturers' competences and skills are "challenged when faced with a new reality where digital teaching becomes the primary, if not the only, mode of instruction" (Machaba & Bedada, 2022). Lecturers are opposed to the use of Telegram and other social media applications, as they are unaware of its benefits (Dollah et al, 2021).…”