RFID technology is a real time tracking system, which does not require line of sight. The technology is trending in the organizations, due to various benefits that it can reap. Every organization wants to increase its efficiency, i.e., get more output with same or less input. The implementation of RFID technology can be done by integrating it with the ERP of the organization for various practices or applications. The organizations can decide the practice/application they want to adopt according to their requirement. The efficiency of the process is affected by this application. Manufacturing Organizations have wide applications of RFID technology and henceforth this sector is considered in the study. The paper focuses on various RFID practices in manufacturing organizations and its effect on the improvement in the efficiency of the organizations. It is found that implementing RFID either for Inventory Management, Work in Progress Management, Logistics Management, In-Process Logistics Management or Warehouse Management; it will lead to improvement in efficiency of the organization.