Abstract. We revisit the classical problem of converting an imperfect source of randomness into a usable cryptographic key. Assume that we have some cryptographic application P that expects a uniformly random m-bit key R and ensures that the best attack (in some complexity class) against P (R) has success probability at most δ. Our goal is to design a key-derivation function (KDF) h that converts any random source X of min-entropy k into a sufficiently "good" key h(X), guaranteeing that P (h(X)) has comparable security δ which is 'close' to δ.Seeded randomness extractors provide a generic way to solve this problem for all applications P , with resulting security δ = O(δ), provided that we start with entropy k ≥ m+2 log (1/δ)−O(1). By a result of Radhakrishnan and Ta-Shma, this bound on k (called the "RT-bound") is also known to be tight in general. Unfortunately, in many situations the loss of 2 log (1/δ) bits of entropy is unacceptable. This motivates the study KDFs with less entropy waste by placing some restrictions on the source X or the application P .In this work we obtain the following new positive and negative results in this regard:-Efficient samplability of the source X does not help beat the RTbound for general applications. This resolves the SRT (samplable RT) conjecture of Dachman-Soled et al.[DGKM12] in the affirmative, and also shows that the existence of computationally-secure extractors beating the RT-bound implies the existence of one-way functions. -We continue in the line of work initiated by Barak et al. [BDK + 11] and construct new information-theoretic KDFs which beat the RTbound for large but restricted classes of applications. Specifically, we design efficient KDFs that work for all unpredictability applications P (e.g., signatures, MACs, one-way functions, etc.) and can either:(1) extract all of the entropy k = m with a very modest security loss δ = O(δ · log (1/δ)), or alternatively, (2) achieve essentially optimal security δ = O(δ) with a very modest entropy loss k ≥ m + loglog (1/δ). In comparison, the best prior results from [BDK -The weaker bounds of [BDK + 11] hold for a larger class of so-called "square-friendly" applications (which includes all unpredictability, but also some important indistinguishability, applications). Unfortunately, we show that these weaker bounds are tight for the larger class of applications.-We abstract out a clean, information-theoretic notion of (k, δ, δ )-unpredictability extractors, which guarantee "induced" security δ for any δ-secure unpredictability application P , and characterize the parameters achievable for such unpredictability extractors. Of independent interest, we also relate this notion to the previously-known notion of (min-entropy) condensers, and improve the state-of-the-art parameters for such condensers.