The study of geometric properties of partial differential equations has always attracted the interest of researchers and is now a broad and well-established research area, with contributions that often come from experts from disparate areas of mathematics, such as differential and convex geometry, functional analysis, calculus of variations, mathematical physics, to name a few.The interplay between partial differential equations and geometry has two main aspects: on the one hand, the former is classically a powerful tool for the investigation of important problems coming from differential geometry and, on the other hand, the latter gives useful and often decisive insights in the study of PDE's. Now that basic questions about PDE's, such as existence, uniqueness, stability and regularity of solutions for initial/boundary value problems, have been fairly understood, research on topological and/or geometric properties of their solutions have become more vigorous.Research on geometric aspects for parabolic and elliptic PDE's provides a vast variety of possibilities. Issues currently and actively studied comprehend among others: positivity of solutions; critical points: their structure, possible occurrence and evolution; spike-shaped solutions; symmetry and non-symmetry for ground states and overdetermined boundary value problems; stability of symmetric configurations; convexity, quasi-convexity or starshape of level sets; estimates on geometrically or physically relevant quantities such as surface area and curvature of level surfaces or torsional creep, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; impact of curvature of the domain on the relevant solutions and their possible behavior for large or short times, and so on. Similarly wide is the assortment of mathematical tools and techniques, analytic and geometric, employed to analyze such issues: functional inequalities such as isoperimetric, Hardy or Brunn-Minkowski inequalities; Pohozaev-type identities; maximum principles; Harnack inequalities; asymptotics for solutions; moving-planes or sliding methods; Bernstein and Liouville-type theorems, viscosity-solutions techniques, et cetera.This volume aims to promote scientific collaboration in this very active area of research, by presenting recent results and informative surveys and by exploring new trends and techniques. It contains original papers and a few survey articles.