An extension of Drude model is proposed that accounts for spin and spin-orbit interaction of charge carriers. Spin currents appear due to combined action of the external electric field, crystal field and scattering of charge carriers. The expression for spin Hall conductivity is derived for metals and semiconductors that is independent of the scattering mechanism. In cubic metals, spin Hall conductivity σs and charge conductivity σc are related through σs = [2π /(3mc 2 )]σ 2 c with m being the bare electron mass. Theoretically computed value is in agreement with experiment. 71.70.Ej It has been a common knowledge in atomic physics that due to spin-orbit interaction the spatial separation of electrons with different spin projections can be achieved through scattering of an unpolarized electron beam by an unpolarized target [1]. Dyakonov and Perel were the first to notice that in the presence of the electric current the scattering of charge carriers by impurities in a semiconductor must lead to a similar effect [2]. It was subsequently called the spin Hall effect [3] and observed in semiconductors [4,5] and metals [6]. A number of microscopic models have been developed that explain spatial separation of spin polarizations by various "extrinsic" (due to impurities) and "intrinsic" (impurity-free) mechanisms, see for review Ref. 7. While these models provide valuable insight into microscopic origin of the spin Hall effect, they are lacking universality of, e.g., Drude model of charge conductivity [8]. The Drude model, in spite of being classical in nature, has been very powerful in describing dc and ac conductivity and its temperature dependence. It also gives the accurate value of the Hall coefficient by catching correctly the orbital motion of charge carriers in the presence of the magnetic field. The power of the Drude model resides in the fact that it expresses conductivity, σ D = e 2 nτ /m, via charge e, concentration n, mass m, and relaxation time τ of charge carriers regardless of the scattering mechanism. Same parameters enter expressions describing experiments other than the Ohm's law, e.g., n and the sign of e can be extracted from measurements of the Hall coefficient R H = −(nec) −1 , τ can be extracted from measurements of the frequency dependence of the impedance, and m can be extracted from measurements of the cyclotron resonance. This allows one to test theoretical concepts of charge conductivity regardless of the degree of accuracy with which one can compute parameters entering σ D .In this Letter we will try to develop a similar approach to the spin Hall conductivity. We will take the Drude model a little further by incorporating spin and spin-orbit interaction into the dynamics of charge carriers. We will argue that such a straightforward extension of the Drude model allows one to obtain universal expression for spin Hall conductivity that is independent of the scattering mechanism. The spin Hall effect appears due to combined action of the external electric field, quadrupole crystal electric f...