ABSTRACT. Previous studies showed that increased pul-The DA is a fetal vascular channel that normally closes soon monary blood flow from a patent ductus arteriosus had after birth. If it remains patent, as it often does after premature little or no effect on the amount of fluid in the lungs of birth, blood flow from the aorta into the pulmonary artery mechanically ventilated preterm lambs. The purpose of increases as pulmonary vascular resistance decreases postnatally. this study was to examine the effect of a patent ductus A PDA is thus associated with increased pulmonary blood flow, arteriosus on lung vascular permeability and to see whether pulmonary blood pressure, and PLvED (1, 2). The presence of a increased pulmonary lymph flow might compensate for the PDA may cause pulmonary edema in premature infants with increased rate of fluid filtration. Using a model that allows respiratory distress (3,4). However, little information is available mechanical control of ductus patency, we studied the effects to demonstrate how the PDA adversely affects pulmonary fluid of increased pulmonary blood flow on lung vascular pres-balance. sures in six mechanically ventilated premature lambs at Several studies have examined the effects of increased pulmo-We nary blood flow on lung fluid balance in adult and mature measured lung lymph flow and protein concentrations in newborn animals (5-1 1). In some of these studies, the increase lymph and plasma to assess pulmonary vascular fluid in microvascular fluid filtration associated with increased pulfiltration and protein permeability. We studied each lamb monary blood flow was attributed to increased microvascular during sequential steady state periods, first with the ductus filtration pressure (5, 6, 1 1); in other studies, the increased open and then with it closed. When the ductus was open, filtration was thought to be the result of lung vascular recruitment pulmonary blood flow was twice what it was when the (7-10). There is some evidence that the capacity for vascular ductus was closed. Mean pulmonary artery pressure and recruitment and increased fluid filtration in the pulmonary cirleft ventricular end-diastolic pressure were greater with culation may be age dependent (10-13). Little information is the ductus open [40 +. 5 torr (5.3 f 0.7 kPa) and 8 f 3 available regarding the influence of increased perfusion on lung torr (1.1 f 0.4 kPa), respectively] than when it was closed fluid filtration in the presence of underlying pulmonary pathol-124 f 3 torr (3.2 f 0.4 kPa) and 4 f 2 torr (0.5 f 0.3 ogy (9, 14), and the relationship between blood flow and fluid kPa), respectively]. When the ductus was open, lymph flow dynamics in the immature lung is even more obscure. was 68% greater and lymph protein concentration was 17%We used an animal model of the PDA that enables us to study lower than when the ductus was closed. Lymph protein the effects of increased pulmonary blood flow on lung fluid clearance (lymph flow % lymph protein concentration/ balance in newborn sheep (1,2,15). Pr...