We present a simple method to track the precession of a black-hole-binary system during the inspiral, using only information from the gravitational-wave (GW) signal. Our method consists of locating the frame from which the magnitudes of the ( = 2, |m| = 2) modes are maximized, which we denote the "quadrupole-aligned" frame. We demonstrate the efficacy of this method when applied to waveforms from numerical simulations. In the test case of an equal-mass nonspinning binary, our method locates the direction of the orbital angular momentum to within (∆θ , ∆ϕ) = (0.05 • , 0.2 • ). We then apply the method to a q = M 2 /M 1 = 3 binary that exhibits significant precession. In general, a spinning binary's orbital angular momentum L is not orthogonal to the orbital plane. Evidence that our method locates the direction of L rather than the normal of the orbital plane is provided by comparison with post-Newtonian (PN) results. Also, we observe that it accurately reproduces similar higher-mode amplitudes to a comparable non-precessing binary, and that the frequency of the ( = 2, |m| = 2) modes is consistent with the "total frequency" of the binary's motion. The simple form of the quadrupole-aligned waveform may be useful in attempts to analytically model the inspiral-merger-ringdown signal of precessing binaries, and in standardizing the representation of waveforms for studies of accuracy and consistency of source modelling efforts, both numerical and analytical.