Systematic studies have been conducted to address the fuel re-absorption by carbon deposits under repeated exposure to plasma after cleaning procedures. The investigation was done with graphite tiles from ALT-II (Advanced Limiter Test II), i.e. the main limiter at the TEXTOR tokamak. Pure graphite plates were used as the reference material. The experimental programme comprised the following: pre-characterization of specimens; D desorption by baking the tile at 1273 K; surface analyses of the fuel-depleted layers; exposure to deuterium in a laboratory plasma device and in TEXTOR; and quantitative assessment of deuterium re-absorption. The main result is that fuel retention in the re-exposed deposits is 30-40 times lower than that in the original co-deposit, showing that fuel re-absorption does not lead to an immediate re-saturation of deposits. Annealing at high temperatures enhances layer brittleness, leading eventually to detachment of co-deposits.