The development of indoor navigation systems should utilize advanced teleinformation, geoinformation and cartographical knowledge. The authors analyzed available specifications of prototypes of indoor navigation systems and drew conclusions about how to enhance the use of cartographical methods in the whole process of designing a new system. The analysis proves that cartographical methodology is still very limited in the process of designing indoor navigation systems. Researchers focus mainly on improving the positioning accuracy, and they often neglect the issue of developing spatial databases and the rules of their effective visualization. The process of designing indoor navigation systems, just like in the case of outdoor navigation systems, consists of a number of tasks that can be supported by the theory and practice of cartography. This article presents the issues of determination of spatial database model appropriate for an indoor system, improvement of accuracy of positioning algorithms utilizing spatial data and methodology of generating graphical and voice directions for indoor navigation. In the authors' opinion, the discussed cartographical methods and techniques may considerably enhance indoor navigation systems and accelerate their development. The fundamental knowledge of cartographical methods should be within the interest of designers of these systems. At present the first attempts in this field may be observed, although they are still not mature and complex.
Keywords:mobile cartography, building modeling, indoor navigation, GIS, LBS.
INTRODUCTIONMobile applications, including Location-Based Services (LBS) and navigation systems for cars, bicycles, pedestrians as well as air and marine navigation systems have recently been widely popularized. These services utilize Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to track the position of a user. As the GNSS signal is too weak indoors in order to provide navigation inside buildings, there are attempts to use other positioning technologies based on radio infrastructure (WiFi, RFID 1 tags, Bluetooth, UWB 2 ), ultrasounds, 1 RFID -Radio Frequency Identification. 2 UWB -Ultra WideBand, technology based on sending ultrashort pulses. vision systems, dead reckoning and other experimental approaches. In the near future it will be possible to locate a user inside shopping malls, in underground parking areas, hotels, hospitals, office buildings, etc. It will also be possible to navigate a user to a shelf with specific goods and provide personalized advertisements or send promotional coupons (mobile marketing). In case of emergency, the user will be updated with evacuation routes from their current location.
ANNUAL OF NAVIGATIONIn order to provide reliable navigation, an appropriate spatial database is required in the form of an indoor map with additional data. The development of indoor navigation systems utilizes advanced teleinformation, geoinformation and cartographical knowledge. The authors analyzed available specifications of prototypes of indoor na...