to Produce jacquard woven fabrics using innovative textile structures components adequate for woven sports footwear fabrics that compete with similar ones produced from knitted fabrics in terms of cost and physical and mechanical properties such as comfort and durability of the sports footwear. Hence, this study represents (4) samples produced from (Polyester filament, chenille P.E., chenille P.E. (micro flat), and polyester spun by using double weave wadding structure techniques depending on some different structural components such as weft density/inch, end density/inch and their sequences. The results of statistical analysis for correlation coefficients show that the different structural components of the woven jacquard sports footwear fabrics have a strong correlation that affects the functional performance properties such as tensile strength, elongation, pilling, friction resistance, and air permeability in addition to reducing the production cost, which reflects positively on the annual expenditure of foreign currency required to meet the market's need for sports footwear fabrics.Weaving Structure; Woven Jacquard; Knitting Sports Footwear Fabrics Paper