Polymer translocation through a nanopore induced by adsorption: Monte Carlo simulation of a coarse-grained model J. Chem. Phys. 121, 6042 (2004); 10.1063/1.1785776 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation. We investigate the problem of polymer translocation through a nanopore in the absence of an external driving force. To this end, we use the two-dimensional fluctuating bond model with single-segment Monte Carlo moves. To overcome the entropic barrier without artificial restrictions, we consider a polymer which is initially placed in the middle of the pore and study the escape time required for the polymer to completely exit the pore on either end. We find numerically that scales with the chain length N as ϳ N 1+2 , where is the Flory exponent. This is the same scaling as predicted for the translocation time of a polymer which passes through the nanopore in one direction only. We examine the interplay between the pore length L and the radius of gyration R g . For L Ӷ R g , we numerically verify that asymptotically ϳ N 1+2 . For L ӷ R g , we find ϳ N. In addition, we numerically find the scaling function describing crossover between short and long pores. We also show that has a minimum as a function of L for longer chains when the radius of gyration along the pore direction R ʈ Ϸ L. Finally, we demonstrate that the stiffness of the polymer does not change the scaling behavior of translocation dynamics for single-segment dynamics.