The article discusses the current problems of transformation of existing district heating systems for the CIS countries within the framework of the development of trends in the integration of energy sectors, increasing the consumption of renewable energy resources, “decarbonizing” industry and digitalization of the economy. The experience of Western European countries in terms of the transition to “4th and 5th generation” district heating systems is considered. The technical aspects of the creation of hybrid control systems are analyzed, generalized structural technological schemes of hybrid district heating systems and the main measures, the implementation of which is necessary during their transition to the state of a new generation of district heating systems, are introduced. It is noted that the hybridity of the district heating system implies the presence of regenerative properties in terms of the production of energy carriers for use in adjacent systems, in particular hydrogen. In turn, the flexibility of the district heating system is largely realized via the development of accumulative properties, which leads to the invariance of the use of available energy storage technologies. It is argued that, despite the constantly decreasing costs of creating and operating an electric power storage system, thermal energy storage systems remain a priority in heat supply, especially when using renewable energy sources. The issue of using electricity in district heating systems as an excess resource of integrated energy systems within the framework of equalizing the daily and seasonal schedule of energy consumption is also considered. Also, a diagram is presented reflecting the technical solutions in terms of the equipment used to implement the “electricity – heat” technology. The problem of management of heat supply systems of a new generation is discussed. It is indicated that in order to ensure the required maneuverable properties of heat supply systems, it is necessary to develop and apply new methods of planning and managing heat supply systems, excluding a single-purpose approach in the organization of hybrid systems, which manifests a synergistic effect with new possibilities for finding optimal solutions aimed at reducing fuel consumption. The need to create an intersystem information space, which would include the creation of intelligent process control systems based on the analysis of large amounts of data, is demonstrated. It is noted that the main goal of operational management of hybrid thermal networks is to achieve a dynamic balance between the required value of the thermal load of consumers, the production of thermal energy and the volume of accumulation. The use of hybrid systems in heat supply makes it possible to solve the multifunctional task of increasing the reliability of energy supply and the stability of the functioning of the energy system, which is primarily achieved by solving the problem of balancing production and energy consumption capacities from the point of alignment of generation and energy consumption schedules. A separate consideration of the prospects for the use of hybrid district heating systems in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus is highlighted. The need for additional research to adapt known and develop new technical solutions within the framework of the transition of district heating systems to a new quality is shown.