Efforts to correlate numerical models to the results of experimental data requires the use of model updating techniques. While deterministic methods are well established, new developments in stochastic methods seek to update models when uncertainties in inputs and outputs are observed. In Bayesian frameworks, many sampling methods have been proposed such as TMCMC, iTMCMC, BUS and aBUS, all of which extend classical MCMC methods. In this work, these methods are tested and compared when updating both a simulated 3 degreeof-freedom spring-mass system and an up and coming experimental stochastic model updating benchmark. Results reveal that TMCMC provides the most accurate calibration with acceptable efficiency, although MCMC is highly efficient if some inaccuracy is allowable. The effectiveness of the improvements brought by iTMCMC compared to standard TMCMC, as well as the performance of BUS/aBUS, appear to depend heavily upon the case at hand.
2348COMPDYN 2023 9 th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis (eds.