Within the NATO Research and Technology Organisation Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT)-161 task group, titled "Assessment of Stability and Control Predictions for NATO Air and Sea Vehicles," a 53° swept and twisted lambda wing with rounded leading edges is considered. In a first step, the symmetric flow conditions are analyzed in this paper in order to understand the corresponding flow physics. Experiments by the task group are used to develop proper numerical simulation tools for further applications in the design process of unmanned combat aerial vehicles as a part of future air-combat systems. The philosophy of the configuration under consideration is explained. The vortical flowfield is simulated using the DLR, German Aerospace Center TAU-Code applied with different turbulence models on various computational grids. Finally, a best practice is evaluated for medium and large angles of attack. A combination of these numerical results and experimental data lead to a proper understanding of the complex flow structure. Furthermore, this paper addresses the necessity for the predictability and understanding of controlled and uncontrolled flow separation, together with the interaction of the corresponding vortex systems in order to estimate stability and control issues for the entire flight envelope.
NomenclatureA = attachment line C¿ = lift coefficient; ¿/(^oo • S) Cl = rolling moment coefficient; l/(q^ • S • c^f) Clß = rolling moment due to sideslip; 9C,/9Ĉ " = pitching moment coefficient (noseup positive); c" = yawing moment coefficient; «/(í/^, • 5-Cref) c"ß = yawing moment due to sideslip; 9C"/9Ĉ p = pressure coefficient; {p -/'oo)/9oo Cf = root chord length of the model cVef = reference length / = frequency /j = moment of inertia around x I y = moment of inertia around y k = reduced frequency; 27r • / • c,^f/VM = Mach number 9tx) = dynamic pressure coefficient; p^ • V^/2 R = Reynolds number; V^ • c^f/v S = reference area 5 = separation line s = half-span Presented a.s