First diverter plasma configuration in EAST was obtained in the second campaign after the last IAEA meeting. To support the long pulse diverted plasma discharges, new capabilities including the fully actively water cooled in-vessel components, current drive and heating power, diagnostics, real-time plasma control algorithm were developed. Pre-program shape and RZIP feedback control produce a variety of shaped plasma, which cover almost designed configuration. RTEFIT/ISOFLUX control algorithm was primarily realized. A number of operational issues, such as plasma initiation, ramp up and configuration control with constraints of superconducting coils were successfully investigated. The physical engineering capability on the superconducting magnetic system of EAST was assessed by simulating discharges. Since the last IAEA meeting, experiments in HT-7 focused on long pulse discharges under different scenarios and high power heating to support EAST experiments both physically and technically. The long pulse discharges up to 400s renews the records in HT-7. The high performance regimes have been greatly extended. The investigation of sawtooth activities in ohmic and LHCD plasmas of HT-7 by 2D ECE image and high resolution soft-X arrays support the turbulence model instead of the fast reconnection of the m=1 magnetic island. Coexistence of electron mode and ion mode in high density ohmic plasma has been observed by 2D ECEI in HT-7. The spectral characteristics of GAM and the nonlinear three wave coupling at the GAM frequency has been investigated.