Summary2',3' -dideoxyinosine (ddl) and 2' ,3' -dideoxythymidiene (d4T) have been reported to inhibit the multiplication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in patients. ddl and d4T were administered subcutaneously to cynomolgus monkeys starting 8 h prior to inoculation with 10-50 infectious doses of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV SM ) . ddl, at a daily dose of 3 x 3.6 mg kg-1 for 10 days significantly delayed the appearance of SIV SM p24/26 antigen. A significant delay in the appearance of SIV sM p24/26 antigen was also seen when using a daily dose of 3 x 1 mg kg-1 of d4T for 10 days. Neither ddl nor d4T prevented SIV SM infection despite administration prior to virus inoculation.