This paperwork presents a case study from automotive industry, of applying OnePiece Flow methodology, under Layout optimization program with a unique and personalized approach to company needs. A systemic outlook and appropriate involvement support the company’s continuous improvement efforts. Layout optimization through One-Piece Flow implementation is an elementary key to efficiencies sand to ensure the success. Should be present in any production industry, but extra attention is paid to the automotive field. The described case study methodology demonstrates the relevance of OnePiece Flow and layout optimization in an automotive company. It offers a practical perspective from an organizational point of view, applying the different theoretical formula of OPF balancing calculation to practice. There is always a concern about improving or reducing overall production costs while being efficient. Hence, the manuscript punctualizes the relevance of production workflow, level of interphasic stocks, time, layout of production lines, balancing the production cells and resource management. The paper demonstrates with a new concept for One Pieces Flow implementation the needed steps in order to have a successful production line optimization. Major findings refer to reducing costs, reducing work in progress, quality improvements, team work benefits and freeing space so the company has room for additional projects.