It has long been hypothesized that invasive pests may be facilitated by the evolutionary naïveté of their new hosts, but this prediction has never been examined in a phylogenetic framework. To address the hypothesis, we have been studying the invasive viburnum leaf beetle (Pyrrhalta viburni), which is decimating North American native species of Viburnum, a clade of worldwide importance as understory shrubs and ornamentals. In a phylogenetic field experiment using 16 species of Viburnum, we show that old-world Viburnum species that evolved in the presence of Pyrrhalta beetles mount a massive defensive wound response that crushes eggs of the pest insect; in contrast, naïve North American species that share no evolutionary history with Pyrrhalta beetles show a markedly lower response. This convergent continental difference in the defensive response of Viburnum spp. against insect oviposition contrasts with little difference in the quality of leaves for beetle larvae. Females show strong oviposition preferences that correspond with larval performance regardless of continental origin, which has facilitated colonization of susceptible North American species. Thus, although much attention has been paid to escape from enemies as a factor in the establishment and spread of nonnative organisms, the colonization of undefended resources seems to play a major role in the success of invasive species such as the viburnum leaf beetle.defense-free space | invasion ecology | phylogenetic ecology | preference-performance relationship T he establishment and spread of nonnative pests in novel environments has often been viewed as a result of escape from natural enemies present in the native range (1-3), and this topdown view is supported by the success of classical biological control programs against a number of invasive pests (4-6). Nonetheless, there is growing evidence that a lack of defenses in evolutionarily naïve hosts creates opportunities for exotic pests (7-10). For example, because herbivores are potent agents of natural selection for plant defense (11)(12)(13)(14), evolutionarily naïve plants may be particularly susceptible to invasive pest insects. Previous observations of island floras have indicated low defense and high susceptibility of naïve plants (15, 16), but this pattern has not been rigorously examined in an evolutionary framework. In particular, this bottomup notion emphasizes past evolutionary ecology of plant-herbivore interactions as being critical for community stability.We tested the hypothesis that a lack of shared evolutionary history between plants and herbivores creates defense-free space, facilitating pest invasions. In a phylogenetically controlled field experiment with 16 species of North American and Eurasian Viburnum spp. (Adoxaceae, Dipsacales) (Fig. 1), we tested for the impact of plant continental origin, a proxy for shared evolutionary history with specific herbivores, on defense against the Eurasian Pyrrhalta viburni, an emerging invasive pest in North America. Theory predicts that plant defe...