This study explored the learning environment of a rural public national high school in the Municipality of Don Marcelino, Province of Davao Occidental using a qualitative phenomenological research design. Forty (40) purposively selected participants from the different stakeholders like the students, teachers, parents, and members of the Local Government Unit, and only one (1) participant for the school head underwent an In-Depth Interview and Focused Group Discussion using a semi-structured interview guide/protocol. Data collected were analyzed with the data reduction approach, Thematic Analysis, and Patton's directions. Results revealed the following emergent themes on the learning environment of a far-flung school: Improving school setting amenable to learning; Inadequate proficient teaching force; Insufficient instructional technology; Deficient classroom facilities; and distinctly average academic outcomes. More so, stakeholders addressed challenges through Self-motivation and academic resourcefulness; Aiming high with Faith in the Divine; creating a positive learning atmosphere through Homerooms and Home Visits; Using best pedagogies to motivate learners; Collaborating with stakeholders and getting parents involved; and Coordinating school, community, and LGU. Shared insights of the stakeholders were: Addressed the pandemic challenges; Showed academic value despite modular learning difficulty; Improved teachers' proficiency and classroom scaffolding; Kept learning support mechanism; Sustained parents' support for learners; and Unified medium of instruction. The implications of the study were presented.<p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu/0758/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>