Linköping 2018Front page images: (1) low magnification of snowflake like α-Al 2 O 3 formed on polished coating surface after 10 h oxidation; (2) blade-like transient Al 2 O 3 formed on shot-peened coating surface after 100 min oxidation; (3) spinel island formed on polished coating surface after 10 min oxidation.
AbstractMCrAlY coatings (M=Ni and/or Co) have been widely used for the protection of superalloy components against oxidation and hot corrosion in the hot sections of gas turbines. The drive to improve engine combustion efficiency while reducing emissions by increasing the operation temperature brings a big challenge for coating design. As a result, the need for improvement of MCrAlY coatings for better oxidation resistance is essential.Formation of a stable, dense, continuous, and slow-growing α-Al 2 O 3 layer, on the MCrAlY coating surface, is the key to oxidation protection, since the protective α-Al 2 O 3 scale offers superior oxidation resistance due to its lower oxygen-diffusion rate as compared with other oxides. The ability of a MCrAlY coating to form and maintain such a protective scale depends on the coating composition and microstructure, and can be improved through optimization of deposition parameters, modification of coating surface conditions, and so on. Part of this thesis work focuses on studying the effect of post-deposition surface treatments on the oxidation behavior of MCrAlX coatings (X can be yttrium and/or other minor alloying elements). The aim is to gain fundamental understanding of alumina scale evolution during oxidation which is important for achieving improved oxidation resistance of MCrAlX coatings. Oxide scale formed on coatings at initial oxidation stage and the effect of surface treatment were investigated by a multi-approach study combining photo-stimulated luminescence, microstructural observation and weight gain.
AcknowledgementsThe present project is financed by Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, Swedish Energy Agency through KME consortium -ELFORSK, and are therefore grateful