The development of bulk-metallic glasses (BMGs) has been extensively studied over the past decades. Among those BMG systems developed, Zr-, Cu-, and Cu-Zr-based BMGs are generally the most popular amorphous alloys that possess the advantages of low material cost, superior mechanical properties, and good glass forming ability (GFA) against crystallization during their fabrication. [1][2][3][4][5][6] An example of the Cu 47.5 Zr 47.5 Al 5 -BMG (CZA3-BMG) had an excellent yield strength of 1.547 MPa and yield strain of 2.0%. In addition, this BMG also exhibited a work-hardening behavior when the applied stress level increased, which in turn had a larger plastic strain of 16%. [6][7][8] In addition, it was also found that small amounts of Ag can significantly improve the GFA and supercooled liquid region (DT x ) for both (Cu 0.5 Zr 0.5 ) 100Àx Ag x and Cu 45 Zr 45 Al 10Àx Ag x BMGs. [9][10] A typical example of the CZA4-BMG BMG exhibited a larger DT x of 61.3 8C with respect to $50.2 8C for the CZA3-BMG. An important aspect to use an amorphous alloy in ambient environments for practical applications is its capability of resisting the thermal degradation during oxidation. However, little work has been done on the oxidation behavior of the CZA4-BMG with the Ag addition although that of the Ag-free alloy (CZA3-BMG) has been studied previously. [11] Thus, the main goal of this work is to investigate the oxidation behavior of the CZA4-BMG, and, in particular, to understand the role of Ag on the oxidation kinetics with respect to those of the CZA3-BMG.
ExperimentalThe CZA4-BMG was prepared by an injection-casting technique, described elsewhere [11] . The average composition in atomic percent for the CZA4-BMG, analyzed by X-ray wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy (WDS), contained 45.03% Cu, 45.10% Zr, and 4.94% Al, and 4.93% Ag. BMG rods prepared for oxidation tests were about 3 mm in diameter and 0.5 mm in length. Samples were ground and polished down to a 0.3 mm diamond paste, cleaned with acetone, and immediately dried before the tests.The thermal stability of the as-cast BMG samples was examined by the differential-scanning calorimetry (DSC) at a heating rate of 20 -C min S1 . Oxidation tests were carried out by means of the thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) in dry air (>99.999 vol.% pure). For each experiment, the net flow rate of air was kept constant at 40 cm 3 min S1 , and the heating and cooling rates of the TGA furnace were set at 10 -C min S1 . The characterization of the BMGs and scales was performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with the X-ray energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS), electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) equipped with WDS, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) equipped with EDS and selected-area diffraction (SAD), as described previously [12] .
Results and Discussion
Alloy Constitution and Thermal StabilityThe XRD spectra of the as-cast CZA4-BMG are shown in Figure 1, revealing that this alloy only contains two widebroadening peaks near 2u ¼ 38.7 and 6...