Primeiramente à Deus que permitiu que esta oportunidade pudesse ocorrer em minha vida.À minha família, um alicerce emocional de valor inestimável, que de forma descontraída e compreensiva me apoiou em todos os momentos.Aos meus pais e irmãos, que sempre me estimularam ao aperfeiçoamento humano e profissional sem esquecer o verdadeiro significado da vida.Ao Exército Brasileiro por permitir a realização deste curso.À Capes por trabalhar em prol do estudante.À PUC-Rio por servir de berço de excelência para o aperfeiçoamento humano.À minha orientadora, professora Ivani de S. Bott, que com muita paciência, equilíbrio e capacidade técnica, acreditou e tornou mais transparente os desafios deste trabalho.Ao Ten Cel Bortolini do CTEx, por me proporcionar apoio técnico e estrutural inestimado para a realização deste trabalho. The alloy ASTM F15 is used for the encapsulation of components or electronic devices because of its low coefficient of thermal expansion that is similar to hard glasses. In construction joints glass-to-metal tightness with characteristics forming an oxide layer on the metallic surface is required so that adequate wetting takes place at the surface of this sealing glass. This study looked at two types of surfaces, subdivided into groups in order to assess their influence on the oxide layer.One group was subjected to mechanical polishing and the other group subjected to chemical polishing. The surfaces were oxidized at a temperature of 800 ° C in the ambient atmosphere by varying the oxidation time at 5, 10, 20 and 40 minutes, followed by cooling to air. As oxide layers were characterized for their morphology and chemical composition, using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Optic Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Emission spectroscopy and X-ray photons (XPS) and Rugosimeter.The oxide layer was evaluated in terms of surface mass, thickness, chemical composition and surface roughness of the metal surface.The main oxidation products under the conditions studied were Hematite (Fe 2 O 3 ), Magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) and Taenita (FeNi). It was observed that, surface roughness conditions did not influence the type of oxidation products obtained, but it had greater mass gains for the mechanically polished surfaces.