. Can. J. Chem. 63, 3545 (1985). A study of the reduction of methyltributylammonium perrnanganate by a large number of alkenes in methylene chloride has dispelled a current uncertainty concerning the nature of the inorganic product obtained. It is colloidal manganese dioxide and not a manganate(V) cyclic diester as previously supposed. This product is stabilized in methylene chloride solutions by adsorption of the alkene, which decreases its polarity at the solvent interphase. The solubility of the colloid is therefore a function of both the concentration and the identity of the alkene. In certain (atypical) cases, where acidic compounds are present, the product is further reduced to manganese(ll1). JOAQUIN F. PEREZ-BENITO et DONALD G. LEE. Can. J. Chem. 63, 3545 (1985). En se basant sur une Ctude de la rtduction du permanganate de mCthyltributylammonium par un grand nombre d'alcknes dans le chlorure de rnCthylkne, on a pu ClirninC un doute concernant la nature de produit inorganique obtenu. I1 s'agit du dioxyde de manganese B 1'Ctat collo'idal et non pas un diester cyclique du mangankse(V) tel qu'il avait CtC suggCrC anterieurement. Dans des solutions de chlorure de mCthylkne, ce produit est stabilisC par une adsorbtion de I'alckne qui en diminue la polarit6 i I'interface du solvant. La solubilitt du colloi'de est donc fonction B la fois de la concentration et de la nature de I'alckne. Dans certains cas qui ne sont pas typiques et dans lesquels il existe des compos6s acides, le produit est alors rCduit en mangankse(lI1).[Traduit par le journal] Introduction When alkenes are oxidized by permanganate ion, an intermediate can be detected under certain conditions. For example, Wiberg, Deutsch, and RoEek (1) observed that a reactive species could be detected spectrophotometrically when crotonic acid and permanganate were allowed to react in a neutral aqueous medium. Lee and Brownridge (2) also detected an intermediate during the oxidation of cinnamic acid in acidic aqueous solutions and it was assumed that this species was likely a cyclic manganese(V) diester, 1, that had been previously proposed as an intermediate for this reaction (3).