879wileyonlinelibrary.com www.particle-journal.com www.MaterialsViews.com Using transmission electron microscopy, the size-dependent room temperature oxidation of tin nanoparticles is studied. The oxide that forms during room temperature oxidation of Sn particles is amorphous SnO, and it retains this stoichiometry and structure over extended time periods. From the investigation of arrays of Sn nanoparticles with broad size distribution, under identical conditions, the Sn oxide thickness is evaluated as a function of size and oxidation time. The oxide thickness depends strongly on the size of the Sn nanoparticles, which is in excellent agreement with predictions for a Mott-Cabrera model corrected for a non-uniform electric fi eld. The results demonstrate the accelerated oxidation kinetics of nanoscale particles with high curvature, due to the amplifi ed electric fi eld at the interface to a continuously shrinking metal core.Here, we consider the room temperature oxidation of Sn nanoparticles, focusing in particular on possible nanoparticle size effects on the oxidation rate, as well as the structure and stoichiometry of the resulting oxide. Sn nanoparticles, invariably terminated by either SnO 2 or SnO following their exposure to air, are of interest for a wide range of applications, for example gas sensors, [ 4 ] optoelectronic devices and solar cells, [ 5 ] and Li-ion battery anodes. [ 6 ] Gas sensors often show an unwanted long-term drift in their sensing characteristics while operating in air near room temperature, generally attributed to oxygen diffusion into the oxide. [ 7 ] SnO 2 or Sn-SnO 2 core-shell nanostructures, produced by complete or partial oxidation of fi lms of Sn clusters, [ 8 ] Sn particles, [ 4a,b , 9 ] and nanowires, [ 7,10 ] provide high sensitivity [ 9,11 ] and fast response in gas sensing applications, [ 12 ] but are usually characterized by a large spread in sizes. [ 4a,b , 13 ] Hence, a size-dependent oxidation rate will give rise to non-uniform oxide thickness, which will impact the sensing characteristics. The thickness of a native Sn-oxide shell also critically affects the application of Sn nanoparticles as a Li-ion battery anode material, where the surface oxide causes a decrease in the reversible Li-ion capacity due to an irreversible fi rst-discharge reaction to Li 2 O. Naturally, possible size effects on the oxidation rate would be expected to be important in polydisperse Sn nanoparticle ensembles. [ 9,14 ] However, even precise colloidal synthesis protocols developed recently, capable of generating monodisperse Sn (or Sn-Sn oxide) nanocrystals with size spread below 10%, [ 6 ] may not be suffi cient to eliminate nonuniform oxides. Indeed, clear differences observed in the native oxide thickness for colloidal Sn particles at the low and high ends of a 10% size distribution [ 6 ] suggest the existence of very strongly size-dependent effects in the oxidation of Sn, which are important to applications in energy storage and others.Despite several decades of fundamental research ...