thoroughly extracted with 6 N hydrochloric acid, the acidic extract was made strongly alkaline by addition of potassium carbonate, and this basic solution was extracted with ether. After drying with anhydrous magnesium sulfate the ether was carefully distilled off leaving a small quantity (ca. 200 mg.) of a white crystalline material with an infrared spectrum identical with that of urethan.In a similar irradiation of a more concentrated solution of I in cyclohexane (1:10 M ratio) a small amount of diethyl hydrazodiformate (IX) was found.Attempted Radical-Initiated Decomposition of Ethyl Azidoformate in Cyclohexane. In a water bath of 49 ± 1°, a solution of 1.060 g. (9 X 10-3 mole) of redistilled ethyl azidoformate in 125 ml. of purified cyclohexane was placed in the flask, and the system was flushed with purified nitrogen and then sealed. A total of about 1.8 X 10-2 moles of diethyl peroxydi-carbonate67 was injected in portions over a 4-day period producing a slow evolution of an unidentified gas; the volume evolved at various intervals is re-(4) R.