Abstract. By quantitative immunoelectron microscopy and HPLC, we have studied the effect of disrupting pH gradients, by ammonium chloride, on proinsulin conversion in the insulin-producing B-cells of the islets of Langerhans. Proinsulin content and pH in single secretory vesicles were measured on consecutive serial sections immunostained alternately with antiproinsulin or anti-dinitrophenol (to reveal the pHsensitive probe DAMP) antibodies. Radioactively labeled proinsulin, proinsulin cleavage intermediates, and insulin were quantitated by HPLC analysis of extracts of islets treated in the same conditions. Cleavage at the C-peptide/A-chain junction is significantly less sensitive to pH gradient disruption than that of the B-chain/C-peptide junction, but the range of pH and proinsulin content in individual vesicles indicate that both cleavages occur in the same vesicle released from the TGN.IDIFICATIOr~ of many of the intracellular membrane bounded compartments that are created on the endocytotic and secretory pathways is coupled to orderly protein processing and membrane traffic. For example, during receptor-mediated endocytosis, low pH promotes the dissociation of the ligand from its receptor before fusion of the endosome with the lysosome. Acidification of vesicles originating from the TGN activates proteolytic enzymes that generate functional hormones by cleaving precursor proteins (e.g., prohormones) as they emerge from the Golgi (for review see Anderson and Orci, 1986;Mellman et al., 1986).Acidification is mediated by a membrane (H+)-ATPase that is able to maintain variable concentrations of protons within the vesicle lumen. As a consequence, the pH of sequential compartments in an endocytic or secretory pathway can change from 7.0 to as low as 4.5 (for review see AIAwqati, 1986). There is also clear evidence that in certain cells the pH of a compartment is tightly regulated (Mallya et al., 1992). Therefore, pH is often used to modulate chemical reactions that take place within intracellular vesicles.In the insulin-producing B-cell of the islet of Langerhans, biochemical and immunocytochemical studies have shown that the synthesis of proinsulin in the endoplasmic reticulum and its transport to the TGN occur in a relatively neutral pH environment. The conversion of proinsulin to insulin, however, is initiated in acidic (~pH 6.0) clathrin-coated secre-