Source of materialThec ompoundw as obtained in analogy to the procedures describedinreferences [3-7]. Crystals suitable for the diffraction studywereobtaineduponcooling thereaction productto0°C.
Experimental detailsCarbon-boundHatoms were placed in calculated positions(C-H 0.95 Å) andwereincludedinthe refinement in the riding model approximation, with U iso (H) setto1.2U eq (C). The Hatoms of the methyl group were allowed to rotate with afixed angle around the C-C bond to best fit the experimental electron density (HFIX 137 in the SHELX program suite [11]), with U iso (H) setto1.5U eq (C).
DiscussionThe development and synthesis of powerful and targeted oxygenation catalysts to convert organic sulfides into sulfoxides and sulfonesh as been af ocus of research in chemistry. The interest specifically stemsfromthe potentialapplication of suchsulfurcontaining entitiesinthe process of preparingcompounds of biologicalimportance[1] as well as from potential applications in the desulfurization of crudeoil in industrial-scale petrochemicalindustry processes [ 2].Ap romising pathway in this contexti s researchdone on the field of polymer-bound oxidovanadium species [3][4][5][6][7]. In the wake of testing the effectiveness of one of our catalysts with oxidizing methylphenylsulfide, the title compound wasobtained.Toascertainthe chemicalcomposition of the productand confirm the effected mono-oxidation, its crystal structure wasdetermined. Thecompound is an asymmetric sulfoxidefeaturing amethyl andaphenyl group bonded to the sulfur atom. The S-O bond length of 1.4938(12) Åisingood agreement-although slightlytowards smallervalues-withothervaluesreported for organic sulfoxides whose structural data wasdeposited with the Cambridge Structural Database [8].The angles aroundthe sulfur atom spanarangeof97.40 (7)-107.18 (7)°with the smallest angle foundinbetween the two organic substituentsand the largest angle apparent in betweenthe oxygen atom and the phenyl group. Theleast-squares planes as defined by the non-hydrogen atomsof the phenyl moiety on the one hand and the O=S-C ar entity on the otherhand intersect at an angle of 16.49(9)°only.Inthe crystal, intermolecularC -H×××Oc ontacts can be observed whose range falls invariably by more than 0.1 Åb elow the sum of van-derWaals radii of the atoms participatinginthem. These are exclusively supported by hydrogen atomso ft he methyl group. The oxygen atom serves as two-fold acceptor but could be discussed to be the end point of athird C-H×××Ocontact, the latter one being an intramolecular onestemming from ahydrogen atom in ortho position on the aromatic substituent. This could explain the small torsional angle as mentioned above for the intersection of the least-suqaresp lanes. In total, them olecules are connected to planes perpendiculart ot he crystallographic c axis.I nt erms of graph-seta nalysis[ 9, 10],t he descriptor for these contacts is S(5)C 1 1 (4)C 1 1 (4) on the unary level. The shortest intercentroid distance between two centers of gravity was found at 4.9447(10) Åruling ...