Centro APTA Citros "Sylvio Moreira", pela utilização da plataforma de sequenciamento de DNA.Aos Professores Doutores: Elke J. B. N. Cardoso, Marli de Fátima Fiore e Carlos Eduardo P. Cerri, pela participação no exame de qualificação e sugestões bastante valiosas.À secretária do PPG em Microbiologia Agrícola Giovana Maria de Oliveira, por todo o apoio e à bibliotecária Silvia Maria Zinsly pelas correções da tese.Aos meus avós e padrinhos Waldemar e Aparecida, meus pais José Roberto e Virgínia, minha irmã Isabela, por todo o seu amor e apoio incondicionais e imprescindíveis para a concretização deste sonho. Muito obrigado por poder contar com vocês e fazer parte desta família maravilhosa.À minha estrela Nijima, minha namorada, tão importante na minha vida e nessa reta final, agradeço pelo seu amor, compreensão e incentivo, e, aos seus pais Mara e Mauro pelo acolhimento.
Microbiological Elemental Sulfur Oxidation in SoilDepletion of sulfur levels in soil has been observed as a result of agricultural practices and biomass harvesting. Elemental sulfur (S 0 ) may be an interesting fertilizer, however it must be oxidized to sulfate in order to be taken up by plants. Biological oxidation of S 0 is commonly associated to Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, although many studies failed to detect them in soils. Recent efforts have shown a great diversity of microorganisms able to oxidize S 0 , besides A. thiooxidans. Nevertheless, no information is available for Brazilian soils. The aims of this work were to determine the S 0 oxidation rates of three Brazilian soils, the bacterial and archaeal communities' diversity associated to S 0 oxidation, as well as, to isolate sulfur oxidizing bacteria (SOB) and evaluate its potential as a biofertilizer. Soils sampled in Anhembi, SP (ANB), Brasília, DF (BRA) and Rondonópolis, MT (RDP) were enriched with 10 g of S 0 kg -1 (+S 0 ) or not (-S 0 ) and incubated in microcosms for 0, 6, 22, 38, 54, 67, 86 and 102 days under 28 o C. Oxidation rates of S 0 were low, ranging to 2,8 and 3,2 ug S cm -2 day -2 in the sand soils (RDP and BRA) and 1,3 ug S cm -2 day -2 in the clay one (BRA) after 102 days incubation. Soil SO 4 2-content was increased and pH decreased as result of S 0 oxidation mainly in the sand soils. Bacterial community structure and diversity were affected by S 0 amendment and time of incubation, represented by changes in the DGGE profile and phylum distribution. Were obtained 811 bacterial 16S rRNA sequences, clustered in 518 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs). The predominant phyla in the soils were Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria. Were obtained 463 archaeal 16S rRNA sequences clustered into 39 OTUs. More than 84% of the OTUs were assembled to unclassified Archaea whereas 15% were classified as Euryarchaeota. Archaea diversity was not mostly affected by S 0 . Fifty SOB were isolated and affiliated to Proteobacteria (68%), Actinobacteria (18%) and Firmicutes (14%) after 16S rRNA sequencing. The assigned genera were Aurantimonas, Acinetobac...