Dense, monolithic Ti 3 Al 0.7 Si 0.3 C 2 compounds were cyclically oxidized between 900 and 1100°C in air for 100 h. Ti 3 Al 0.7 Si 0.3 C 2 oxidized into rutileTiO 2 , a-Al 2 O 3 , and amorphous SiO 2 , accompanied by the evaporation of carbon. Ti 3 Al 0.7 Si 0.3 C 2 had good thermal shock resistance, so that adherent oxide scales formed, regardless of their thickness. The cyclic oxidation resistance of Ti 3 Al 0.7 Si 0.3 C 2 was poorer than that of Ti 3 SiC 2 , Ti 3 AlC 2 , and Cr 2 AlC. The thermal cycling did not affect the scale morphology or the oxidation mechanism that was identified in the isothermal oxidation tests, due mainly to the formation of the adherent oxide scales.