The enantioselective tandem reaction of b,g-unsaturated a-ketoesters with b-alkynyl ketones was realized by ab imetallic catalytic system of achiral Au III salt and chiral N,N'-dioxide-Mg II complex. The cycloisomerization of balkynyl ketone and asymmetric intermolecular [4+ +2] cycloaddition with b,g-unsaturated a-ketoesters subsequently occurred, providing an efficient and straightforwarda ccess to chiral multifunctional 6,6-spiroketals in up to 97 %yield, 94 % ee and > 19/1 d.r.Besides,acatalytic cycle was proposed based on the results of control experiments. Scheme 2. Substrate scope for b-alkynyl ketones. Unless otherwise noted, all reactions were performed with Mg(OTf) 2 (2.5 mol %), AuCl 3 (2.5 mol %), l-RaPr 3 (5 mol %), 1a (0.10 mmol), 2b-2o (0.15 mmol), 5 M. S. (30 mg) in DCM (1.0 mL) at 40 8 8Cfor 2d ays. [a] In DCM (0.5 mL) at 40 8 8Cf or 4d ays. Scheme 3. The transformations of the chiral product 3a.Scheme 4. Control experiments and plausible mechanism.