C3-selective direct coupling reactions of unsaturated 5-membered heterocycles such as 2,5-dihydrofuran, N-tosyl-2,5-dihydropyrrole, and 3-sulfolene with methyl methacrylate or methacryl amide are catalyzed by [Ru(η 6 -naphthalene)(η 4 -bicyclo[3.3.1]nona-2,6-diene)] (1b). As an application of this method, a pesticide lead, 2-methyl-3-(tetrahydrofuran-3-yl)propanamide (6ab) is prepared in 2 steps from 2,5-dihydrofuran in 62% total yield.Keywords: C3-selective coupling | Ruthenium | Pesticide lead Although C3-substituted 5-membered heterocyclic compounds are important substructures for many natural products, biologically active compounds, and pharmaceutical molecules, direct introduction of a substituent at the C3 position has remained difficult.1 As an example, Satoh, Miura, and coworkers recently reported the C3 coupling reaction of maleimides with acrylates (eq 1). Although this C3-selective coupling of 2a showed a broad scope for conjugated dienes, the substrate scope for conjugated carbonyl compounds was limited.4 In fact, while reaction of 2a with methyl methacrylate (3a) produced 4aa in high yield, even closely related methacryl amide (3b) remained unreacted (Scheme 1). As part of our ongoing program to prepare new (naphthalene)ruthenium (0) In this paper, we report 1b to be a more tolerant catalyst than 1a for the C3-selective coupling of the unsaturated heterocyclic 5-membered ring compounds.Reaction of 2a with 3a in THF at 0°C catalyzed by 1b (1 mol %) dominantly gave the C3-coupling product 5aa in 65% yield in 4 h ( Table 1). 6 A similar treatment of 2a with 3b gave the C3-coupling product 5ab in 75% yield. The product 5ab was fully characterized by 13 C HETCOR, and HRMS. The pNOESY experiment supported the E-configuration of the C=C bond. Note that catalyst 1a did not produce 5ab at all (Scheme 1). The coupling reaction of 2a with acryl amide (3c) failed even when 1b was used as the catalyst. The methyl substituent at the α-position in amide was required in this reaction. Complex 1b also catalyzed the C3-selective coupling of N-tosyl-2,5-dihydropyrrole (2b) with 3a to give 5ba in 99% yield. Note that catalyst 1a did not catalyze this reaction at all. Similarly, 2b also reacted with 3b in the presence of 1b as the catalyst to give 5bb in 82% yield. However, neither methyl acrylate (3d) nor methyl α-ethylacrylate (3e) produced the coupling product with 2b.Reaction of 3-sulfolene (2c) with 3a also produced 5ca in 82% yield. Catalyst 1a did not give the coupling product at all. Single crystals of 5ca were obtained by recrystallization from cold hexane as white needles, and whose molecular structure by X-ray analysis is depicted in Figure 1. As expected, 3a attacked the C3 position in 2c. The stereochemistry of the C(5)=C(6) bond was confirmed as the E-form.In the Rh-catalyzed conjugated addition of arylboronic acid, a portion of 3-sulfolene converted into the unstable isomer, 2-sulfolene, by base catalysis and the resulting 2-sulfolene did react with arylboronic acid effectively.
7In order to check ...