1. A detailed procedure is described for the isolation of stable respiratory membranes of relatively high phosphorylation efficiency from nitrogen-fixing cultures of Azotobacter vinelandii 2 . Three phosphorylation sites are detectable. These are located a t the level of NADH dehydrogenase (Site I; P/2e 0.45)) between the primary dehydrogenases and the cytochromes (Site 11; P/2e 0.53) and on the minor terminal pathway, to the oxygen side of the c-type cytochromes (Site 111; P/2e 0.22).3. Switching of electron flow between the terminal oxidation pathways with low concentrations of KCN and 2-n-alkyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide causes changes in oxygen uptake and phosphate esterification which are compatible with the postulated locations of the three phosphorylation sites and which demonstrate, indirectly, the non-phosphorylating nature of the b, --f a2 major terminal pathway.4. Phosphorylation efficiences with ascorbate plus purified A . vinehndii cytochromes c4 and c5, horse heart cytochrome c and the artificial electron mediators 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol and N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylene diamine indicate that the minor terminal pathway is further split into a slow, phosphorylating pathway (c5 --f oxygen) and a faster, non-phosphorylating pathway (c4 -+ oxygen).(P/O, NADH = 0.90-1.10).The efficiencies of oxidative phosphorylation exhibited by isolated bacterial respiratory membranes are in general very much lower than those of intact mammalian mitochondria [l].Cell free extracts of gram positive bacteria (e. g.
Mycobacterium phlei [2], Corynebacterium creatovorans[3] and Micrococcus lysodeikticzcs [4]) exhibit high P/O ratios (up to 1.8 when oxidising succinate or malate, but lower with NADH) ; isolated respiratory membranes are less efficient, but can be stimulated to yield higher P/O ratios by the addition of soluble factors [2,4,5]. Of the gram negative bacteria so far studied, the chemoautotrophs (e. g . Nitrobacter agilis [6], Nitrobacter winogradskii [7]) yield respiratory membranes with highly efficient, self contained oxidative phosphorylation systems (P/O ratios up to 2.8 with NADH), whereas the heterotrophs (e. g . Escherichia coli [8,9]. Alcaligenes fuecalis [lo] and Azotobacter vinelandii [ l l , 121) in general yield respiratory membranes of much lower phosphorylation efficiency (P/O ratios with NADH rarely exceed 0.5), even when optimally supplemented with soluble factors.Definition. A,,, unit, the quantity af material contained in i m l of a solution which has an absorbance of i a t 680 nm when measured in a i-cm path length cell.The membrane-bound respiratory system of Azotobucter vinehndii is characterised by extremely high oxidase activities, particularly with NADH or malate, a rich and varied content of electron carriers and a branched terminal cytochrome system [13-161. The nature of this branched cytochrome system was elucidated via kinetic and inhibitor studies which suggested that the major electron flow was catalysed by cytochromes bl and a2 (sensitive to 2-n-alkyl-4-hydroxyquinol...