Oxyspecies in molten CaC12:KC1 (73:27 mole percent) at 700~ were monitored voltammetrically using a Au flag electrode. Hydroxide and moisture were shown to be rapidly converted to oxide in the melt. The nature of the oxyspecies present depends on the purity of the blanketing gas used and an oxide ~ peroxide equilibrium pertains with the peroxide ion being stable in the melt. Gold indicator electrodes proved unsatisfactory for quantitative monitoring of oxide itself, probably because oxidative dissolution of gold occurs at potentials close to the presumed oxide oxidation potential. A yttria stabilized zirconia electrode was used to monitor changes in [O-] potentiometrically~ The effects of oxide, peroxide, oxygen, moisture, and hydroxide additions were examined. The evidence suggests that the following reactions predominate in the melt at 700~ C1-+ H20 ~HC1 + OH rapidly displaced to the right 2 OH--~ O = + H20 displaced to the right 02 + 2 O = ~ 2 O22-rapidly displaced to the right Voltammetric evidence for the following reversible redox processes was obtained OH-+ e ~ O = + 1/2 HdAu) Oz 2-+2e ~20 zOz + 2e ~ O2 zSpent nuclear fission material can be reprocessed by converting certain metal oxides to the metal by reduction in molten calcium chloride as redox solvent. Most molten calcium chloride contains oxysPecies which significantly reduce the efficiency of the redox processes concerned. This investigation involves an electrochemical characterization of oxyspecies in CaC12:KC1 [73:27 mole percent (m/o)] at 700~Polarographic waves obtained at Pt on CaO addition to CaC12:NaCI melts were interpreted (1) in terms of the reversible reaction CaO ~ Ca 2+ + 1/2 02 + 2e and anodic voltammetry at Pt was proposed as a means of oxide determination in these melts. An unexplained anodic peak was observed which increased in size as the CaO content increased, and was somehow related to the surface preparation of the Pt electrode, varying from one electrode to another. Addition of water to the melt (2) produced some irreversible electrode process, whereas NaOH addition produced no effect. Complex formation between water and CaC12 melts was proposed.Additions of H20, HC1, and Mg(OHh to MgC12:KC1 melts (3) gave a voltammetric response at Pt interpreted as passivation of the Pt due to formation of insoluble MgO on the Pt surface. No such passivation occurred at W.Reversible two electron oxidation of O-in LiC1-KC1 melt (4), and one electron transfers to H20 and OH-, were proposed at Pt at 390~ In this instance, however, W electrodes gave irreproducible results. Delarue (5) in contrast found~ at Pt, that addition of hydroxide to LiC1-KCt at 400~ produced the same wave as addition of oxide, which conclusion was confirmed by Polart and Degobert (6). Efforts to develop a reversible oxygen electrode in chloride melts have produced uncertain results with several workers unable to decide if O-or 022-were active species in