The aim of this study was to determine in humans whether oxidized cholesterol in the diet is absorbed and contributes to the pool of oxidized lipids in circulating lipoproteins. When a meal containing 400 mg cholestan-5 ␣ ,6 ␣ -epoxy-3  -ol ( ␣ -epoxy cholesterol) was fed to six controls and three subjects with Type III hyperlipoproteinemia, ␣ -epoxy cholesterol in serum was found in chylomicron/ chylomicron remnants (CM/RM) and endogenous (VLDL, LDL, and HDL) lipoproteins. In controls, ␣ -epoxy cholesterol in CM/RM was decreased by 10 h, whereas in endogenous lipoproteins it remained in the circulation for 72 h. In subjects with Type III hyperlipoproteinemia, ␣ -epoxy cholesterol was mainly in CM/RM. In vitro incubation of the CM/RM fraction containing ␣ -epoxy cholesterol with human LDL and HDL that did not contain ␣ -epoxy cholesterol resulted in a rapid transfer of oxidized cholesterol from CM/RM to both LDL and HDL. In contrast, no transfer was observed when human serum was substituted with rat serum, suggesting that cholesteryl ester transfer protein is mediating the transfer. Thus, ␣ -epoxy cholesterol in the diet is incorporated into the CM/RM fraction and then transferred to LDL and HDL, contributing to lipoprotein oxidation. Moreover, LDL containing ␣ -epoxy cholesterol displayed increased susceptibility to further copper oxidation in vitro. It is possible that oxidized cholesterol in the diet accelerates atherosclerosis by increasing oxidized cholesterol levels in circulating LDL and chylomicron remnants. A large body of evidence supports the hypothesis that oxidized lipoproteins, particularly oxidized LDL, play a pathogenic role in atherosclerosis (1, 2). Oxidized LDL has numerous atherogenic properties with a variety of cell types in culture, including induction of inflammatory genes, stimulation of monocyte chemotactic factor production, the potentiation of monocyte-endothelial cell adhesion, accelerated deposition of lipids in macrophages, cytotoxicity with endothelial cells, and modulation of growth factors. Additionally, oxidized LDL-like particles and lipid peroxidation products are present in atherosclerotic lesions (3, 4). Moreover, it has been shown that antioxidants in the diet can slow the progression of atheroscerosis in animal models (5-7).Thus, there is strong evidence that oxidized lipoproteins play a key role in atherogenesis, but the site and mechanisms by which lipoproteins are oxidized is far from resolved. It is not clear whether oxidized lipoproteins form locally in the artery wall, as suggested by several investigators (1, 2), or are sequestered in atherosclerotic lesions following the uptake of circulating oxidized lipoproteins. We have been focusing our studies on the role of diet and have demonstrated that potentially atherogenic oxidized lipoproteins in the circulation are at least partially derived from oxidized lipids in food and contribute to atherosclerosis in animal models.The American diet contains large quantities of oxidized fatty acids (8, 9) and oxidized ...