ABSTRACT:Electrodeposited thin films and nanoparticles of Ni 3 S 2 are highly active, poison and corrosion resistant catalysts for oxygen reduction to water at neutral pH. In pH 7 phosphate buffer, Ni 3 S 2 displays catalytic onset at 0.8 V vs the reversible hydrogen electrode, a Tafel slope of 109 mV/decade, and high Faradaic efficiency for four--electron reduction of O 2 to water. Under these conditions, the activity and stability of Ni 3 S 2 exceeds that of polycrystalline platinum and manganese, nickel, and cobalt oxides illustrating the catalytic potential of pairing labile first row transition metal active sites with a more covalent sulfide host lattice.The interconversion of water and O 2 is an essential chemistry underlying a future renewable energy economy. 1 Nature exe--cutes this kinetically demanding multi--proton, multi--electron interconversion with remarkable selectivity and efficiency. Oxygen evolution is carried out at the Mn 4 Ca co--factor of the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II 2 whereas oxygen reduction is carried out at the heme/Cu ac--tive site of cytochrome C oxidase 3 and Cu 3 cluster active sites of multicopper oxidases. 4 While these catalysts operate effi--ciently and selectively under benign conditions of neutral pH and ambient temperature and pressure, precious and base metal containing heterogeneous catalysts typically require highly alkaline or acidic electrolytes ( Figure 1).The paucity of heterogeneous electrocatalysts capable of efficient oxygen reduction at neutral pH 5 arises from two seemingly divergent kinetic/materials requirements: 1) the catalyst must remain active in the presence of buffering elec--trolytes that are required to maintain neutral pH stability and deliver protons to drive the proton--coupled electron transfer (PCET) activation of O 2 6 and 2) the catalyst must resist protolytic corrosion under reducing conditions. Pre--cious metal catalysts such as Pt and Au meet the latter re--quirement but also strongly adsorb buffering electrolyte ions such as phosphate, degrading their catalytic efficiency. 7 In contrast, low valent mid to late first row transition metal ions are substitutionally labile, 8 allowing them to meet the first requirement, but this very property makes their corre--sponding oxides unstable with respect to corrosion in all but highly alkaline environments. 9Unlike metal oxides, bonding in transition metal sulfides is more covalent, inhibiting their corrosion under similar con--ditions. 10 Thus, we envisioned that both of the above re--quirements could be met if a labile first row transition metal active site ion can be exposed at the surface of a sulfide host lattice. Here, we illustrate the effectiveness of this design strategy by uncovering a novel earth abundant catalyst for oxygen reduction at neutral pH, the heazlewoodite phase of nickel sulfide, Ni 3 S 2 . Under phosphate buffered neutral pH conditions, Ni 3 S 2 outperforms state of the art ORR catalysts including MnO x and platinum owing to its unique combina--tion of labile ...