The effects of plasma injection upon MILD combustion of a mixture of methane and hydrogen are investigated numerically. The injected plasma includes the flow of a highly air-diluted methane including C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, CH, CH2, CH3, CO, and CO2. The results show that amongst all the constitutes of plasma, CH3 is the most effective in improving the characteristics of MILD combustion. Injection of this radical leads to the occurrence of reactions at a closer distance to the burner inlet and thus provides longer time for completion of combustion. Further, mass fractions of OH, CH2O, and HCO are considerably affected by the injections of CH3, indicating structural modifications of the reacting flow. Importantly, as Reynolds number of the plasma flow increases, the volume and width of the flame decrease, while the formations of prompt and thermal NOx are intensified. However, injection of CH3, as plasma, reduces the emission of thermal NOx.